Haris Khwaja
Chair, IBC Global Education
Director of the 2023 IBC University World Congress
Mr. Khwaja is Consultant Upper GI/Bariatric Surgeon at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. London and Director of the IBC Oxford 2023 World Congress
He was educated at Christ Church, University of Oxford and Royal Free Medical School, University of London. At medical school he was awarded 1 scholarship, 21 Prizes, 4 Distinctions and was Proxime Accessit to the 1997 University Gold Medal.
In 1998 he started his surgical training in General/Vascular Surgery at the Royal Free Hospital under Professor George Hamilton CVO, former Serjeant Surgeon to the Queen. In 1999 he continued his training at the John Radcliffe and Churchill Hospitals, University of Oxford training in General Surgery/Renal Transplantation & Urological Surgery under Professor Sir Peter Morris AC FRS, Past President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2001-2004) and Professor David Cranston. From 2001 – 2004 he undertook a DPhil (PhD) based jointly at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford and the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford funded by the Royal College of Surgeons of England Research Fellowship and British Heart Foundation Studentship. During this period he was also appointed Honorary Vascular Surgery Registrar at the John Radcliffe Hospital.
Following his period of research he undertook Higher Surgery Training in General Surgery in Northwest London and specialised in Advanced Laparoscopy/Upper Gasrointestinal & Bariatric Surgery at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, Charing Cross Hospital, Royal Marsden Hospital and Luton and Dunstable Hospital. During his 5th year of surgical training and after competitive interview in the United States he was matched to the 1 year Clinical Fellowship in Minimally Invasive/Bariatric Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA from 2009 – 10 and was trained in gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, revisional bariatric surgery and therapeutic endoscopy by Professors Phil Schauer, Stacy Brethauer, Tomasz Rogula and Matthew Kroh. In 2011 he undertook a second Fellowship in Advanced Laparoscopy/Bariatric Surgery at Phoenix Health, Liverpool, UK gaining additional experience in gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, duodenal switch and revisional bariatric surgery under Professor David Kerrigan, Mr. Shafiq Javed and Mr. Conor Magee.
In 2012 he was appointed Consultant Bariatric Surgeon at Phoenix Health based at University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool and Consultant General/Upper GI Surgeon at Wirral University Hospital NHS Trust.
Bariatric Surgery (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, revisional bariatric surgery, gastric banding since 2008)
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Upper GI endoscopy (including intragastric balloon insertion) since 2008
Laparoscopic complex foregut surgery (Giant hiatus hernia repair, gastric volvulus, cardiomyotomy, fundoplication) since 2009
Laparoscopic benign biliary surgery since 2007
Emergency gastrointestinal surgery (including all aspects of emergency benign and malignant colorectal surgery)
Mr. Khwaja has BSc and DPhil (PhD) degrees from the University of London and University of Oxford respectively.
He has given/contributed to over 70 national and international research presentations and has given 30 invited presentations. He has 28 publications to date in journals such as Obesity Surgery, SOARD, Canadian Journal of Surgery, American Journal of Clinical Pathology, British Journal of Urology, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery & BMJ Case Reports. He has written 6 book chapters in the field of bariatric and metabolic surgery.
Co-Founder & Co-Director - International Bariatric Club (www.ibcclub.org) (2009 – current)
Director: IBC Global Surgical Education (2016 – present)
IBC Symposia at:
IFSO World Congress New Delhi 2012, Istanbul 2013, Montreal 2014, Vienna 2015
IFSO European Chapter Congress Barcelona 2012
Chelsea & Westminster Bariatric Surgery Emergencies Course 2016
Mexican Society of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Annual Congress 2016, 2017
Frankfurter Obesity Meeting 2016
13th Egyptian Society of Bariatric Surgery (ESBS) Annual Congress 2016
International Congress in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery: Buzios, Brazil 2017
Chinese Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Annual Congress 2017
Turkish Obesity Surgery Society Annual Congress 2017
Director – IBC Public Relations (2012 – current)
Administrator: IBC Facebook Page (2015 – current)
Founder and Chief Editor – IBC Journal (2012 -2015)
Faculty & Scientific Advisory Board– IBC Hot Topics in Bariatrics (2015 – current)
Visiting Lecturer:
Bariatric Surgery, University of Chester, Chester, United Kingdom (2011 – 2013)
Clinical Teacher in Surgery:
3rd & 5th Yr. Medical Students, University of Liverpool Medical School (2013-current)
3rd & 6th Yr. Medical Students, Imperial College Medical School, London (2004-5, 2010-11)
PGY 3 – 5 Surgery Residents, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA (2009-10)
4th & 6th Yr. Medical Students, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford (2002-04)
IFSO Communications Committee Member (2014 – 2017)
Co-Admin IFSO Facebook Page (2016 – 2017)
IBC (2009 – current)
Reviewer: Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases (SOARD) (2016 – current)
British Medical Journal Case Report (BMJ Case Reports) (2017– current)
Specialist Advisor - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE):
General & Bariatric Surgery (2012 – current)
Laparoscopic gastric plication for the treatment of morbid obesity (IP988) 2012
Endobarrier gastrointestinal liner for treatment of obesity and diabetes (IP986) 2012
Peer-review for India RSBY pathways: uncomplicated gallstone disease & acute appendicitis 2014
Postgraduate Awards
Royal College of Surgeons of England Research Fellowship
British Heart Foundation PhD Studentship
Christ Church College, University of Oxford PhD Travel Award
John Radcliffe, Oxford Medical Research Fund PhD Travel Award
British Heart Foundation PhD Travel Award
Royal College of Surgeons of England Travel Award
Christ Church College, University of Oxford PhD Travel Award
John Radcliffe, Oxford Medical Research Fund PhD Travel Award
British Heart Foundation PhD Travel Award
Royal College of Surgeons of England Travel Award
B Braun Aesculap Scholarship (awarded by the ALSGBI)
Ethicon Endosurgery Travel Scholarship (awarded by the RCS (Eng)
2012 Poster of Distinction (P-143) at the American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Meeting 2012
Mabel Sharman Crawford Scholarship for Performance in First Year Richard Keene Prize in First Year Subjects
Winifred Ladds Prize in Physiology
Annie E. Brooks Prize in Biochemistry
Certificate of Merit in Anatomy
Mrs. George M. Smith Prize in Second Year Subjects
Walter Culverwell Prize in Anatomy
Edward & Helen Hanson Prizes in Physiology
Lord Rank Prize in Biochemistry
Edith Pechey Phipson Prize in Pharmacology
Certificate of Merit in Pathology
Certificate of Merit in Psychology
Wolfson BSc Award (sponsored by the Wolfson Foundation)
BSc Immunopathology Prize (donated by Ciba-Geigy)
Glaxo Wellcome/Blackwell Science Prize- Performance in 1st Clinical Yr.
Wilfred Francis White Prize in Neurology
1997 (Final Year)
Proxime Accessit to the University Gold Medal
Distinctions: Surgery, Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology, Pathology
Emlyn Williams Prize & Gant Medal in Surgery
Natalie Bogdan Prize & Medal in Medicine
Glynn Morgan Prize & Medal in Cardiology & Chest Medicine
Kenneth Hill Memorial Prize & Medal in Pathology
Bunzl Prize & Medal in Psychiatry
Esther Francis White Memorial Prize - For Distinctions in Finals
Sarkany Prize in Dermatology
Helen Webb Prize in Children’s Diseases
London Lock Hospital Memorial Prize in Venereal Diseases
Certificate of Merit in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics